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    n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'ntOscar De La HoyaStatisticsNickname(s)The Golden BoyWeight(s)Height5 ft 1012 in (179 cm)Reach73 in (185 cm)NationalityBornFebruary 4, 1973 (age 46)
    East Los Angeles, California, U.S.StanceOrthodoxBoxing recordTotal fights45Wins39Wins by KO30Losses6
    Men's amateur boxing
    Representing United States
    Olympic Games
    1992 BarcelonaLightweight
    Goodwill Games
    1990 SeattleFeatherweight

    Oscar De La Hoya (/dləˈhɔɪ.ə/; born February 4, 1973)[1][2] is a Mexican-American former professional boxer who, in 2002, also became a boxing promoter and, in 2018, a mixed martial arts (MMA) promoter. As a boxer, he competed from 1992 to 2008, winning multiple world titles in six weight classes, including the lineal championship in three weight classes.[3][4][5] He is ranked as the 11th best boxer of all time, pound for pound, by BoxRec.[6] De La Hoya was nicknamed 'The Golden Boy of boxing' by the media when he represented the United States at the 1992 Summer Olympics where, shortly after having graduated from James A. Garfield High School, he won a gold medal in the lightweight division, and reportedly 'set a sport back on its feet.'[7]

    De La Hoya was named The Ring magazine Fighter of the Year in 1995, and was its top-rated fighter in the world, pound for pound, in 1997 and 1998. He generated approximately $700 million in pay-per-view income, making De La Hoya the top pay-per-view earner before being surpassed by Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Manny Pacquiao.[8] He announced his retirement as a fighter in 2009, following a professional career spanning 16 years.

    In 2002, De La Hoya founded Golden Boy Promotions, a combat sport promotional firm. He is the first American of Mexican descent to own a national boxing promotional firm, and one of the few boxers to take on promotional responsibilities while still active.[9] In 2018, he began promoting MMA matches as well, beginning with a 2018 trilogy bout between long-time rivals Chuck Liddell and Tito Ortiz,[10] with the inaugural Golden Boy MMA event scheduled for November 24, 2018.[11]

    De La Hoya has held dual American and Mexican citizenship since 2002, when the Consulate General of Mexico in Los Angeles granted him Mexican citizenship, reflecting his heritage.[12]

    • 2Amateur career
    • 3Professional career
      • 3.2Lightweight
      • 3.3Light welterweight
      • 3.4Welterweight
      • 3.5Light middleweight
      • 3.6Middleweight
      • 3.7Comeback
    • 9Titles in boxing

    Early life[edit]

    His parents emigrated from Mexico to the US prior to his birth. He was born in East Los Angeles, California into a boxing family; his grandfather, Vicente, was an amateur fighter during the 1940s, and his father, Joel Sr., had been a professional boxer during the 1960s. His brother, Joel Jr., was also a boxer.[13]

    Amateur career[edit]

    De La Hoya won the national Junior Olympics 119-pound title at age 15, following up with the 125-pound title the following year. In 1989, he became the Golden Gloves champion. His amateur career included 234 wins — 163 by knockout, and six losses. Of those six losses, two were to Shane Mosley.[14] In 1989, he won the National Golden Gloves title in the bantamweight division. In 1990, at age 17, he won the U.S. National Championship at featherweight and was the youngest U.S. boxer at that year's Goodwill Games, winning a gold medal. The joy of victory was tempered by the news that his mother, Cecilia Gonzales De La Hoya (November 22, 1950 - October 28, 1990), was terminally ill with breast cancer. She died that October, expressing the hope that her son would one day become an Olympic gold medalist.

    As the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona approached, De La Hoya turned his mother's dream into a strong focus for his training. After an upset victory in the first round over the Mexican boxer Julio Gonzalez; De La Hoya defeated German boxer Marco Rudolph to win gold. Rudolph had been the only fighter to defeat him in the last several years, adding drama. The U.S. media publicized his quest to fulfill his mother's dying wish and nicknamed him, 'The Golden Boy', which has remained with him throughout his career.[15][16][17] In 2000, the Cecilia Gonzalez De La Hoya Cancer Center was formally opened by De La Hoya and his siblings at the White Memorial Medical Center (WMMC), with a $350,000 donation from De La Hoya, in honor of their mother.[18][19]


    • Amateur record: 223–5 (unofficial)[citation needed]
    • Gold Medalist — 1989 National Golden Gloves
    • Gold Medalist — 1990 US National Championships
    • Gold Medalist — 1990 Goodwill Games
    • Gold Medalist — 1991 US National Championships
    • Gold Medalist — 1991 US Olympic Festival
    • Gold Medalist — 1992 Olympic Games[20]
    • 2008 — United States Olympic Hall of Fame inductee.[21]

    Professional career[edit]

    Super featherweight[edit]

    On November 23, 1992, De La Hoya made his professional debut by scoring a first-round TKO victory. In his twelfth professional fight, he won his first world title at age 20, stopping Jimmy Bredahl (16–0) in the tenth round to win the WBOsuper featherweight title.[22] He defended the title once, stopping Giorgio Campanella (20–0) in three rounds.


    On July 29, 1994, he knocked out Jorge Páez (53–6–4) in the second round to win the vacant WBO Lightweight title. In his first title defense, he defeated John-John Molina (36–3), who had recently vacated his IBF Super Featherweight title, by unanimous decision.

    De La Hoya vs. Ruelas unification[edit]

    On May 6, 1995, De La Hoya defeated IBF lightweight champion Rafael Ruelas (43–1–0) in a unification bout. De La Hoya knocked Ruelas down twice before the fight was stopped in the second round. The IBF then ordered De La Hoya to defend against Miguel Julio.

    He relinquished the IBF title and defended the WBO title against undefeated Genaro Hernández (32–0–1), who relinquished the WBA super-featherweight title to fight De La Hoya.[23] Hernandez quit after six rounds because of a broken nose. In his sixth and final defense of the WBO lightweight title, he knocked out Jesse James Leija (30–1–2) in two rounds at New York's Madison Square Garden.

    Light welterweight[edit]

    Chávez vs. De La Hoya[edit]

    On June 7, 1996, Oscar De La Hoya fought Mexican legend Julio César Chávez (96–1–1) for the lineal and WBClight welterweight championship.[24] De la Hoya, with a record of 21–0 with 19 K.Os, defeated Chavez by a fourth-round TKO. The fight was stopped due to a several bad cuts suffered by Chavez above his left eye. Until their rematch in 1998, Chávez stated that De La Hoya did not defeat him since the fight was stopped. De La Hoya successfully defended his titles with a twelve-round unanimous decision against undefeated former WBC Lightweight Champion and number one light welterweight contender Miguel Ángel González (41–0–0).


    Whitaker vs. De La Hoya[edit]

    On April 12, 1997, De La Hoya moved up to the welterweight division and fought Pernell Whitaker (40–1–1).[25] The fight proved to be a difficult one. Whitaker frustrated De La Hoya with his defense, and landed more overall shots than De La Hoya, but De La Hoya’s power punches & aggression swayed the judges more in his favor. De La Hoya won a disputed twelve round unanimous decision to capture the lineal and WBC titles.[26] He also became the Ring Magazine's number one ranked pound-for-pound fighter.[27]

    De La Hoya vs. Camacho[edit]

    On September 13, 1997, De La Hoya defeated Héctor Camacho (63–3–1) by unanimous decision.

    De La Hoya vs. Chavez II[edit]

    On September 8, 1998, De La Hoya fought a rematch with Julio César Chávez (100–2–2) and defeated him by eighth-round TKO. In his next bout, he faced undefeated former WBA Welterweight Champion Ike Quartey (34–0–1) and won by a somewhat disputable split decision. De La Hoya was knocked down once in the fight, while Quartey was down twice.[28] He then defeated Oba Carr (48–2–1) by eleventh-round TKO.

    De La Hoya vs. Trinidad unification[edit]

    After seven defenses of his lineal and WBC welterweight titles, De La Hoya fought rival and IBF Champion Félix Trinidad (35–0) on September 18, 1999, in one of the biggest pay-per-view events in history, setting a record for a non-heavyweight fight. Oscar dominated the vast majority of the first nine rounds, staying just outside Trinidad's range while generating much success with his stiff jab and blitzing combinations. But in the last 2-3 rounds of the fight, heeding the strict instructions of his corner who felt that De La Hoya was way ahead on the scorecards, De La Hoya shut down much of his offense and evaded trading with Trinidad. De La Hoya virtually gave away the last couple of rounds. Though landing well over 100 more punches, Trinidad was ultimately awarded a majority decision. The judges scorecards came under question after the decision. Fans and boxing analysts called for a rematch, which never happened.

    De La Hoya vs. Mosley[edit]

    On February 26, 2000, De La Hoya knocked out Derrell Coley (34–1–2) in a WBC eliminator. The WBC awarded De La Hoya its welterweight title, which he lost to Shane Mosley (34–0) by a split decision on 17 June 2000. One judge scored the fight 115–113 for De La Hoya, and the other two scored it 116–112 and 115–113 for Mosley.

    De La Hoya successfully sued Bob Arum in 2000 to break his contract with the promoter. The courts ruled in favor of De La Hoya in February 2001.'[29]

    De La Hoya defeated Arturo Gatti (33–4) by fifth-round TKO on March 24, 2001.

    Light middleweight[edit]

    He then moved up to light middleweight, challenging the lineal and WBC champion Javier Castillejo.[30] De La Hoya dominated the fight, winning almost every round and knocking Castillejo (51–4) down with ten seconds to go to win the title by a unanimous decision.

    Rivalry with Fernando Vargas[edit]

    De La Hoya did not fight for the 15 months and in this time the rivalry between him and WBA champion 'Ferocious' Fernando Vargas (22–1) grew. They knew each other as amateurs and it is said the rivalry began when Vargas was angered by De La Hoya laughing at him after he fell into a snowbank. De La Hoya said he would never fight him. Eventually, however, De La Hoya accepted a match. The fight was scheduled for early 2002, but De La Hoya had to withdraw because of a hand injury.

    The unification bout, labeled 'Bad Blood,' finally took place on September 14, 2002 at the Mandalay Bay on the Las Vegas Strip. The fight was even for the first six rounds, with Vargas landing punches on the ropes in the odd rounds, while De La Hoya outboxed him in the even rounds. De La Hoya took over the fight in the seventh round and hurt Vargas with a left hook in the tenth. In the next round, De La Hoya knocked Vargas down with a left hook and stopped him moments later. The win is widely considered to be the biggest of De La Hoya's career. Vargas tested positive for stanozolol after the fight.

    De La Hoya vs. Mosley II[edit]

    De La Hoya defended his unified title against Yori Boy Campas (80–5) with a routine seventh round stoppage then faced Shane Mosley (38–2) in a rematch. The fight, billed as 'Retribution' and staged at the MGM Grand Garden Arena, was more of a boxing match than their first encounter, and while some rounds were close, De La Hoya's game plan utilizing his jab seemed to be paying off, leaving Mosley visually frustrated. It was De La Hoya who seemed to be landing the cleaner, more effective punches, and obliterated Mosley in Compubox, landing over 100 more. But judges apparently didn't see it that way awarding Mosley with the controversial unanimous decision. Mosley was later connected to the BALCO Labssteroid scandal. Jeff Novitzky, a lead investigator on the BALCO case, reported that documents seized from the lab show that Mosley received 'the clear' and 'the cream,' both designer steroids. Mosley reportedly began his doping regimen prior to his rematch with Oscar De La Hoya.[31] Mosley would later admit to using performance-enhancing drugs from BALCO for this bout, saying he thought they were legal supplements.[32]


    Sturm vs. De La Hoya[edit]

    De la Hoya next challenged Felix Sturm (20–0) for the WBO middleweight title, on June 5, 2004, with the winner also getting a shot at the undisputed world middleweight champion Bernard Hopkins. De La Hoya was awarded a unanimous decision, becoming the first boxer in history to win world titles in six different weight divisions. All three judges scored the bout 115–113 in favor of De La Hoya. The decision was very controversial, far more so than his decision wins over Pernell Whitaker or Ike Quartey. Whereas the Whitaker and Quartey fights were considered close bouts that could have gone either way or been called a draw, general opinion was that De La Hoya lost to Sturm, with Compubox counting Sturm as landing 234 of 541 punches, while counting De La Hoya as landing 188 of 792.[33] There had been some rumblings throughout the boxing community that the decision was made to insure that De La Hoya would fight Hopkins in a mega-dollar fight that would've drawn more money than a Hopkins-Sturm matchup would.[34][35] Iain Darke of Sky Sports said the decision looked 'tailor made' to set up De La Hoya versus Hopkins. '(De La Hoya) got the benefit of high charity,' Darke said.[36] Sturm & his promotional team, Universum Box-Promotion, filed a protest with the Nevada State Athletic Commission over the decision, but it was to no avail, and the decision still stands today.[37]

    De La Hoya vs. Hopkins[edit]

    De La Hoya fought Bernard Hopkins (44–2–1) in a unification match on September 18, 2004 in Las Vegas. Hopkins held the WBC, WBA, and IBF middleweight titles, was recognized as lineal and The Ring champion, and was considered by many to be the number one pound for pound fighter in the world. Although the fight was at a catchweight of 158 pounds (72 kg), many thought De La Hoya was too small for the weight class and Hopkins was considered a heavy favorite.

    Several days before the fight, De La Hoya's hand was cut when his wraps were being cut off after training, requiring eleven stitches to close. He and his corner both maintained it was not an issue going into the bout.

    De La Hoya fought a tactical fight. After eight rounds, De La Hoya was ahead 77–75 on one scorecard and behind 78–74 and 79–73 on the other two. In the ninth round Hopkins threw a left hook towards De La Hoya's body, sending him crumbling to the canvas, where he was counted out. It was the first time in De La Hoya's career that he had been KO'd. De la Hoya later stated that he couldn't get up because the pain of a well-placed liver shot was unbearable. Despite losing, De La Hoya made over $30 million from the fight. Hopkins eventually became a minor shareholder in Golden Boy, and served as the east coast representative for the company.[38] Bob Arum claimed De La Hoya 'quit.'[39] Like Mosley, Hopkins would subsequently be represented by Golden Boy Promotions.[40]


    De La Hoya vs. Mayorga[edit]

    De La Hoya took a layoff of 20 months before signing to fight WBC light middleweight titleholder Ricardo Mayorga (27–5–1). In the buildup to the fight, Mayorga insulted everything from De La Hoya's sexuality to his wife and child,[41] but when they fought on May 6, 2006, De La Hoya knocked Mayorga down in the first minute of the fight with a left hook. He knocked him out in the sixth round to take his tenth world title.[41]

    De La Hoya vs. Mayweather Jr.[edit]

    In early 2007, De La Hoya signed to defend his title against WBC welterweight champion Floyd Mayweather, Jr. (37–0–0). De La Hoya was a two to one underdog in the fight.

    The fight took place on May 5, 2007 at a sold-out arena at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. De La Hoya pressed throughout, doing best when using his left jab. Mayweather controlled the later rounds and was awarded a split decision, with judge Chuck Giampi scoring the bout 116–112 for Mayweather, Jerry Roth 115–113 for Mayweather, and Tom Kaczmarcek 115–113 for De La Hoya. The Associated Press it Mayweather 116–112.

    Although Oscar chased Mayweather and threw many combinations en route to throwing over 100 more total punches, Mayweather landed at a higher rate; according to Compubox he connected on 207 of 481 punches thrown, De La Hoya on only 122 of 587.[42]

    On May 3, 2008, at the Home Depot Center in Carson, California, De La Hoya fought Steve Forbes (33–5) in a tuneup for a possible rematch with Mayweather. De La Hoya showed a more relaxed style, throwing a constant jab and always staying on his toes.[43] He opened a cut near Forbes' eye in the sixth round, going on to win by unanimous decision in 12.`[44]

    On June 6, 2008, Floyd Mayweather, Jr. announced his first of many subsequent retirements from boxing, effectively ending talk of a rematch.

    De La Hoya vs. Pacquiao[edit]

    De La Hoya in 2008

    De La Hoya faced Manny Pacquiao (47–3–2) on December 6, 2008 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. Presented by Golden Boy Promotions and Top Rank, Inc., the bout was a twelve-round, non-title fight at the 147-pound (67 kg) welterweight limit. Although Pacquiao went into the fight recognized as the leading pound for pound boxer in the world, some pundits speculated that 147 pounds could have been too far above his natural weight against the larger De La Hoya.[45] However, Pacquiao's trainer Freddie Roach was confident of a victory as he stated that De La Hoya could no longer 'pull the trigger' at that stage of his career.[46] De La Hoya, who was favored to win the bout due to his size advantage, was expected to be the heavier of the two on fight night. However, though Pacquiao weighed 142 pounds (64 kg) and De La Hoya 145 pounds (66 kg) at the official weigh-in on Friday,[47] De La Hoya entered the ring at 147 pounds to Pacquiao's 148.5 pounds (67.4 kg).[48]

    De La Hoya took a beating and his corner stopped the fight after the eighth round. Pacquiao was ahead on all three judges' scorecards before the stoppage, with two judges scoring the fight 80–71 and the other judge scoring it at 79–72.[49] After the bout, Pacquiao's trainer Freddie Roach stated, 'We knew we had him after the first round. He had no legs, he was hesitant and he was shot.'[50] Confirming Roach's pre-fight predictions that he'd grown too old, De La Hoya crossed the ring to Pacquiao's corner after the bout was stopped and told Roach, 'You're right, Freddie. I don't have it anymore.'[47] When asked by reporters whether he would continue fighting, De La Hoya responded, 'My heart still wants to fight, that's for sure,' De La Hoya said. 'But when your physical doesn't respond, what can you do? I have to be smart and make sure I think about my future plans.'


    De La Hoya announced his retirement on April 14, 2009, ending any speculation about a potential fight with Julio César Chávez Jr., son of the former champion and Mexican icon Julio César Chávez, Sr..

    Later in 2009, De La Hoya held an exhibition boxing fight versus basketball player Shaquille O'Neal as an episode of the television show Shaq Vs..

    2020 presidential candidacy speculation[edit]

    In September 2018, De La Hoya was reported to be 'seriously considering a run for president of the United States.'[51] In an interview, he informed TMZ that he was assembling an exploratory team to assess viability of a candidacy, stating that, 'If the numbers look right... I'm gonna go for it.'[52]

    Personal life[edit]

    De La Hoya began dating actress and Miss USA 1995 titleholder Shanna Moakler in October 1997; their daughter, Atiana Cecilia De La Hoya, was born March 29, 1999.[53] They later divorced.[54][55]

    On October 5, 2001, De La Hoya married Millie Corretjer. They have two children together: a son, Oscar Gabriel De La Hoya (born December 29, 2005), and a daughter, Nina Lauren Nenitte De La Hoya (born December 29, 2007).[56] He also has two other sons, Jacob De La Hoya (born February 18, 1998) and Devon De La Hoya (born November 30, 1998), from previous relationships.[57][58][59]

    On December 12, 2002, the Consulate General of Mexico in Los Angeles granted De La Hoya Mexican citizenship. De La Hoya stated: 'I've always felt that my blood is Mexican.'[12]

    Business pursuits and projects[edit]

    Oscar De La Hoya appears on the front covers of the PS3, Xbox 360 and PSP versions of EASports' Fight Night Round 3.[60]

    In 2000, EMI International released Oscar De La Hoya. The self-titled CD is a Latin pop album with 13 tracks in both English and Spanish, written by Diane Warren and the Bee Gees, and was nominated for a Grammy.

    In 2004, he debuted a line of casual, activewear-inspired apparel, through Mervyns department stores, and, that summer, hosted a boxing reality television series, The Next Great Champ, on Fox and Fox Sports Net.[61]

    In 2005, Golden Boy Enterprises announced the formation of Golden Boy Partners, a company focused on urban development in Latino communities.[62]

    In 2006, De La Hoya authorized a children's picture book titled Super Oscar,[63] published by Simon & Schuster and released in his name. The book was written by Mark Shulman and illustrated by illustrator Lisa Kopelke. The book tells the story of young Oscar as a daydreamer, who uses his great physical ability to prepare an elaborate picnic for his entire neighborhood in just fifteen minutes. Written in English and Spanish, the book received unanimously positive reviews from the publishing review journals, and was selected as the Best Bilingual Children's Picture Book at the 2007 Latino Book Awards.[64]

    In September 2007, Sports and Entertainment Publications, LLC, a subsidiary of Golden Boy Enterprises, acquired The Ring, KO Magazine, and World Boxing Magazine from Kappa Publishing Group.[65]

    On May 1, 2007, the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles announced that a 7-foot (2.1 m) bronze statue of Oscar De La Hoya would join similar tributes to Los Angeles sports stars Magic Johnson and Wayne Gretzky at the Staples Center.[66] The statue was unveiled on December 2, 2008.[67]

    De La Hoya in 2010

    In February 2008, Golden Boy acquired a 25% stake of Major League Soccer club Houston Dynamo, along with Brener International Group.[68]

    De La Hoya started a charitable foundation to help educate underprivileged youth and, in 2008, donated $3.5 million to the De La Hoya Animo Charter High School.[69]

    In June 2008, HarperCollins released De La Hoya's autobiography, American Son: My Story, written with author and Los Angeles Times sportswriter Steve Springer.[70]

    In 2008, De La Hoya starred in a commercial alongside several Mexican boxing champions for the Pronosticos lottery in Mexico. The film, 300, inspired the commercial, which featured the Mexican champions battling giants and other large creatures.[71]

    In early 2011, De La Hoya visited U.S. military personnel in Kuwait and Iraq under the auspices of the USO, holding boxing clinics and greeting the troops.[citation needed]

    De La Hoya has spoken about his intention to run for President against Donald Trump in the 2020 election.[72]


    In 1998, at age 23, he was accused of rape. Mexican authorities investigated, with no charges filed, and De La Hoya maintained his innocence. A lawsuit was then filed in San Bernardino, California County Superior Court, alleging that De La Hoya had raped the complainant, who was 15 at the time, in a hotel room in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, in June 1996. The suit was heard, and was settled out of court in 2001.[73][74]

    In 2007, photographs featuring a cross-dressed De La Hoya were posted on a tabloid website and received extensive publicity across the internet. De La Hoya denied the authenticity of the photos.[75] In September 2007, Mila Dravnel, the woman who sold the photographs, recanted her allegations against De La Hoya and denied the authenticity of the photographs.[76] In May 2008, Dravnel sued De La Hoya for slander, then dropped the lawsuit after experts suggested that the photographs had been digitally altered.[77] Nonetheless, during De La Hoya's August 2011 interview with Univision, he confirmed that it was indeed him in the leaked 2007 photos, attributing the aberration to poor judgement due to his first use of cocaine.[78]

    Three months prior, De La Hoya had publicly acknowledged that he has a substance abuse problem, stating, 'After doing an honest evaluation of myself, I recognize that there are certain issues that I need to work on. Like everyone, I have my flaws, and I do not want to be one of those people that is afraid to admit and address those flaws.' He underwent treatment at the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, California for alcoholism.[79] In September 2013, just a few days before the Golden Boy promoted match of Floyd Mayweather vs. Saúl Álvarez, De La Hoya announced that he was returning to a drug and alcohol treatment facility.[80]In January 2017, De La Hoya was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol in Pasadena, California;[81] to which he pled not guilty, and charges were dismissed in 2018.[82]

    Professional boxing record[edit]

    Free De La Hoya
    Professional record summary
    45 fights39 wins6 losses
    By knockout302
    By decision94
    No.ResultRecordOpponentTypeRound, timeDateLocationNotes
    45Loss39–6Manny PacquiaoRTD8 (12), 3:00Dec 6, 2008MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.
    44Win39–5Steve ForbesUD12May 3, 2008Home Depot Center, Carson, California, U.S.
    43Loss38–5Floyd Mayweather Jr.SD12May 5, 2007MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Lost WBC light middleweight title
    42Win38–4Ricardo MayorgaTKO6 (12), 1:25May 6, 2006MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Won WBC light middleweight title
    41Loss37–4Bernard HopkinsKO9 (12), 1:38Sep 18, 2004MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Lost WBO middleweight title;
    For WBA (Super), WBC, IBF, The Ring, and lineal middleweight titles
    40Win37–3Felix SturmUD12Jun 5, 2004MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Won WBO middleweight title
    39Loss36–3Shane MosleyUD12Sep 13, 2003MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Lost WBA (Super), WBC, The Ring, and lineal light middleweight titles
    38Win36–2Yori Boy CampasTKO7 (12), 2:54May 3, 2003Mandalay Bay Events Center, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Retained WBA (Super), WBC, The Ring, and lineal light middleweight titles
    37Win35–2Fernando VargasTKO11 (12), 1:48Sep 14, 2002Mandalay Bay Events Center, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Retained WBC and lineal light middleweight titles;
    Won WBA (Super), IBA, and vacant The Ring light middleweight titles
    36Win34–2Javier CastillejoUD12Jun 23, 2001MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Won WBC and lineal light middleweight titles
    35Win33–2Arturo GattiTKO5 (12), 1:16Mar 24, 2001MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.
    34Loss32–2Shane MosleySD12Jun 17, 2000Staples Center, Los Angeles, California, U.S.Lost IBA welterweight title;
    For WBC welterweight title
    33Win32–1 Derrell ColeyKO7 (12), 3:00Feb 26, 2000Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, U.S.Won vacant IBA welterweight title
    32Loss31–1Félix TrinidadMD12Sep 18, 1999Mandalay Bay Events Center, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Lost WBC and lineal welterweight titles;
    For IBF welterweight title
    31Win31–0Oba CarrTKO11 (12), 0:55May 22, 1999Mandalay Bay Events Center, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Retained WBC and lineal welterweight titles
    30Win30–0Ike QuarteySD12Feb 13, 1999Thomas & Mack Center, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Retained WBC and lineal welterweight titles
    29Win29–0Julio César ChávezRTD8 (12), 3:00Sep 18, 1998Thomas & Mack Center, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Retained WBC and lineal welterweight titles
    28Win28–0Patrick CharpentierTKO3 (12), 1:56Jun 13, 1998Sun Bowl, El Paso, Texas, U.S.Retained WBC and lineal welterweight titles
    27Win27–0Wilfredo RiveraTKO8 (12), 2:48Dec 6, 1997Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.Retained WBC and lineal welterweight titles
    26Win26–0Hector CamachoUD12Sep 13, 1997Thomas & Mack Center, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Retained WBC and lineal welterweight titles
    25Win25–0 David KamauKO2 (12), 2:54Jun 14, 1997Alamodome, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.Retained WBC and lineal welterweight titles
    24Win24–0Pernell WhitakerUD12Apr 12, 1997Thomas & Mack Center, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Won WBC and lineal welterweight titles
    23Win23–0Miguel Ángel GonzálezUD12Jan 18, 1997Thomas & Mack Center, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Retained WBC and lineal light welterweight titles
    22Win22–0Julio César ChávezTKO4 (12), 2:37Jun 7, 1996Caesars Palace, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Won WBC and lineal light welterweight titles
    21Win21–0Darryl TysonKO2 (10), 2:38Feb 29, 1996Caesars Palace, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.
    20Win20–0Jesse James LeijaRTD2 (12), 3:00Dec 15, 1995Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, U.S.Retained WBO lightweight title
    19Win19–0Genaro HernándezRTD6 (12), 3:00Sep 9, 1995MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Retained WBO lightweight title
    18Win18–0Rafael RuelasTKO2 (12), 1:43May 6, 1995Coliseo Rubén Rodríguez, Bayamón, Puerto RicoRetained WBO lightweight title;
    Won IBF lightweight title
    17Win17–0John John MolinaUD12Feb 18, 1995MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Retained WBO lightweight title
    16Win16–0 John AvilaTKO9 (12), 1:07Dec 10, 1994Grand Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, U.S.Retained WBO lightweight title
    15Win15–0 Carl GriffithTKO3 (12), 1:02Nov 18, 1994MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Retained WBO lightweight title
    14Win14–0Jorge PáezKO2 (12), 0:39Jul 29, 1994MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Won vacant WBO lightweight title
    13Win13–0 Giorgio CampanellaTKO3 (12), 2:22May 27, 1994MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.Retained WBO junior lightweight title
    12Win12–0Jimmi BredahlRTD10 (12), 3:00Mar 5, 1994Grand Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, U.S.Won WBO junior lightweight title
    11Win11–0 Narciso ValenzuelaKO1 (10), 2:25Oct 30, 1993America West Arena, Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.
    10Win10–0 Angelo NunezRTD4 (10), 3:00Aug 27, 1993Wilshire Hotel, Beverly Hills, California, U.S.
    9Win9–0 Renaldo CarterTKO6 (10), 2:10Aug 14, 1993Casino Magic, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, U.S.
    8Win8–0Troy DorseyRTD1 (10), 3:00Jun 7, 1993Thomas & Mack Center, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.
    7Win7–0 Frank AvelarTKO4 (10), 2:00May 8, 1993Caesars Tahoe, Stateline, Nevada, U.S.
    6Win6–0 Mike GrableUD8Apr 6, 1993Blue Cross Arena, Rochester, New York, U.S.
    5Win5–0Jeff MayweatherTKO4 (8), 1:35Mar 13, 1993Arena Pier 10, San Juan, Puerto Rico
    4Win4–0 Curtis StrongTKO4 (6), 1:40Feb 6, 1993Sports Arena, San Diego, California, U.S.
    3Win3–0 Paris AlexanderTKO2 (6), 1:52Jan 3, 1993Hollywood Palladium, Los Angeles, California, U.S.
    2Win2–0 Clifford HicksKO1 (6), 1:17Dec 12, 1992America West Arena, Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.
    1Win1–0 Lamar WilliamsKO1 (6), 2:12Nov 23, 1992Great Western Forum, Inglewood, California, U.S.

    Titles in boxing[edit]

    Major world titles[edit]

    • WBO junior lightweight champion (130 lbs)
    • WBO lightweight champion (135 lbs)
    • WBC light welterweight Champion (140 lbs)
    • WBC welterweight Champion (147 lbs) (2×)
    • WBC light middleweight champion (154 lbs) (2×)
    • WBO middleweight champion (160 lbs)

    Minor world titles[edit]

    • IBA welterweight champion
    • IBA light middleweight champion

    The Ring magazine titles[edit]

    Lineal titles[edit]

    Pay-per-view bouts[edit]

    1May 6, 1995De La Hoya vs. RuelasLa Batalla330,000[83]HBO
    2September 9, 1995De La Hoya vs. HernandezThe Rivals220,000[83]HBO
    3January 18, 1997De La Hoya vs. GonzalezFor Pride and Country345,000[83]HBO
    4April 12, 1997Whitaker vs. De La HoyaPound for Pound720,000[83]HBO
    5September 13, 1997De La Hoya vs. CamachoOpposites Attack560,000[83]HBO
    6December 6, 1997De La Hoya vs. RiveraTital Wave240,000[83]HBO
    7September 18, 1998De La Hoya vs. Chavez IIUltimate Revenge525,000[83]HBO
    8February 13, 1999De La Hoya vs. QuarteyThe Challenge570,000[83]HBO
    9September 18, 1999De La Hoya vs. TrinidadFight of the Millennium1,400,000[83]HBO
    10June 17, 2000De La Hoya vs. MosleyDestiny590,000[83]HBO
    11June 23, 2001De La Hoya vs. CastillejoThe Quest400,000[83]HBO
    12September 14, 2002De La Hoya vs. VargasBad Blood935,000[83]HBO
    13May 3, 2003De La Hoya vs. CampasNight of Champions350,000[83]HBO
    14September 13, 2003De La Hoya vs. Mosley IIRedemption950,000[83]HBO
    15June 4, 2004De La Hoya vs. SturmCollision Course380,000[83]HBO
    16September 18, 2004De La Hoya vs. HopkinsHistory1,000,000[83]HBO
    17May 6, 2006De La Hoya vs. MayorgaDanger Zone925,000[83]HBO
    18May 5, 2007De La Hoya vs. MayweatherThe World Awaits2,400,000[83]HBO
    19December 6, 2008De La Hoya vs. PacquiaoThe Dream Match1,250,000[84]HBO
    Total sales14,090,000

    Total (approximate) revenue: $700,000,000[85]

    See also[edit]


    1. ^Oscar De La Hoya: Biography from. Answers.com. Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    2. ^Oscar De La Hoya Biography (Boxer) —. Infoplease.com. Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    3. ^'The Lineal Boxing World Champions'. The Cyber Boxing Zone Encyclopedia.
    4. ^ESPN Deportes Unveils List of 'Next Hispanic Athletes'Archived December 11, 2008, at the Wayback Machine. Hispanicprwire.com (2007-03-20). Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
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    6. ^Boxrec all time p4p rankings
    7. ^Marino, Gordon (Los Angeles Times) 'The Golden Boy of boxing — Stepping inside the ropes with Oscar De La Hoya, who set a sport back on its feet', The Baltimore Sun, August 3, 2008. Retrieved August 19, 2018.
    8. ^Iole, Kevin Where Manny Pacquiao ranks among the biggest PPV boxing draws of all-time', Yahoo! Sports, April 8, 2014. Retrieved August 19, 2018.
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    10. ^Okamoto, Brett 'Former UFC stars Chuck Liddell, Tito Ortiz agree to third MMA fight', ESPN, July 4, 2018. Retrieved August 20, 2018.
    11. ^BoxingScene.com 'De La Hoya: I strongly feel Golden Boy MMA will not be a one-off', September 7, 2018. Retrieved September 11, 2018.
    12. ^ abStewart, Tony. 'De La Hoya becomes Mexican citizen'. philly.com. Philadelphia Daily News. Retrieved December 1, 2015.
    13. ^Biography 'Oscar De La Hoya', biography.com, 2014. Retrieved August 28, 2018.
    14. ^'Sugar' Shane Mosley. Cyber Boxing Zone. Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    15. ^Boxing: Fighters: Bio: OSCAR DE LA HOYA. HBO. Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    16. ^Gale – Free Resources – Hispanic Heritage – Biographies – Oscar De La Hoya. Gale.cengage.com. Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    17. ^Oscar de la Hoya is as Good as Gold | SUCCESS Magazine | What Achievers Read. SUCCESS Magazine. Retrieved on 2012-05-19. Archived October 2, 2011, at the Wayback Machine
    18. ^WMMC Retrieved September 4, 2018. 'Cecilia Gonzalez De La Hoya Cancer Center', 2000. Retrieved September 4, 2018.
    19. ^Rivera, Carla 'De La Hoya Gives $350,000 to East L.A. Cancer Center', Los Angeles Times, April 13, 2000. Retrieved September 4, 2018.
    20. ^Boxing: People. HBO. Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    21. ^Hof Polls | Team USAArchived December 21, 2008, at the Wayback Machine. U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame. Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    22. ^Oscar De La Hoya. Boxrec.com. Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    23. ^Michael Katz Oscar Revolts Against the IBF. nydailynews.com (1995-07-13)
    24. ^'The Lineal Junior Welterweight Champions'. The Cyber Boxing Zone Encyclopedia.
    25. ^'Oscar De La Hoya vs Pernell Whitaker'. Boxstat.co. Retrieved May 7, 2017.
    26. ^'The Lineal Welterweight Champs'. The Cyber Boxing Zone Encyclopedia.
    27. ^De La Hoya likely to dodge rematch against Whitaker. Herald-Journal April 14, 1997. News.google.com (1997-04-14). Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    28. ^Oscar De La Hoya vs. Ike Quartey - Boxrec Boxing Encyclopaedia
    29. ^Michael Woods The Next Foe For De La Hoya: It's Bob Arum. thesweetscience.com (2006-05-25)
    30. ^'The Lineal Junior Middleweight Champions'. The Cyber Boxing Zone Encyclopedia.
    31. ^'BALCO-related claim casts doubt on De La Hoya bout'. CNN. September 28, 2007. Retrieved May 2, 2010.
    32. ^Mosley admits he unknowingly took BALCO steroids – boxing – ESPN. Sports.espn.go.com (2007-09-29). Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    33. ^Chris Gielty De La Hoya Gets Decision – But Hopkins Wins | TheSweetScience.com Boxing (2004-06-05)
    34. ^5 More Of The Worst Decisions In Boxing
    35. ^Ranking the 15 Worst Judging Decisions in Boxing History
    36. ^'Debacles and Blindness – The ten worst decisions of the past 10 years: De La Hoya-Mosley, De La Hoya-Sturm, Lewis-Holyfield, Trinidad-De La Hoya, More!'
    37. ^Felix Sturm vs. Oscar De La Hoya - Boxrec Boxing Encyclopaedia
    38. ^Sandomir, Richard 'De La Hoya's Promotional Strategy Packs a Wallop', New York Times, July 19, 2005. Retrieved September 4, 2018.
    39. ^Simers, T. J. 'Arum-De La Hoya Can Be a Great Reality Show', Los Angeles Times, March 8, 2005. Retrieved August 2, 2018.
    40. ^Oscar De La Hoya: Is The Gold Becoming Tarnished?. Doghouseboxing.com (2008-01-23). Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    41. ^ abBoxing News and Views :: May :: 2006. Eastsideboxing.com. Archived April 19, 2012, at the Wayback Machine
    42. ^Mayweather defeats De La Hoya on split decisionArchived November 23, 2009, at the Wayback Machine
    43. ^De Le Hoya defeats Forbes with points win. Telegraph. Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    44. ^Iole, Kevin. (2008-05-03) De Le Hoya scores unanimous decision – Boxing – Yahoo! Sports. Sports.yahoo.com. Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    45. ^This little and large freak show makes me feel queasy from 30 Aug 2008. mirror.co.uk (2008-08-30). Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    46. ^Freddie Roach confident he has the plan to shut down Oscar De La Hoya – ESPN. Sports.espn.go.com (2008-12-04). Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    47. ^ abSmith, Tim (December 9, 2008). 'De La Hoya is Golden Boy no more'. Daily News. New York.
    48. ^'Pacquiao pummels aging De La Hoya'. CNN. December 7, 2008. Archived from the original on December 8, 2008.
    49. ^Kevin Baxter (December 7, 2008). 'Pacquiao forces De La Hoya to quit'. Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on December 17, 2008. Retrieved May 2, 2010.
    50. ^De La Hoya fails to answer bell in welterweight match. The Associated Press (2008-12-07)
    51. ^'Oscar De La Hoya says he's 'very seriously' considering presidential run'. Fox News. September 10, 2018. Retrieved September 10, 2018.
    52. ^'Oscar De La Hoya Considering Running for President'. TMZ. September 10, 2018.
    53. ^'Shanna Moakler Hits Oscar De La Hoya With $62.5-Million Palimony Suit'. PRNewswire. December 20, 2000. Retrieved April 2, 2007.
    54. ^[1]
    55. ^[2]
    56. ^Oscar De La Hoya & Wife Have Baby Girl. People.com (2007-12-29). Retrieved on 2013-05-13.
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    58. ^Fifth child on the way for Oscar De La Hoya. People.com (2007-05-07). Retrieved on 2013-05-13.
    59. ^'Oscar De La Hoya Biography'. IMDb. Amazon. Retrieved December 3, 2016.
    60. ^Oscar De La Hoya Interview. xbox.com (2006-02-27)
    61. ^Oscar De La Hoya's 'The Next Great Champ' Gets Added Window en Espańol on FridaysArchived December 11, 2008, at the Wayback Machine. Hispanicprwire.com. Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    62. ^:: Golden Boy Promotions Inc. ::Archived September 27, 2008, at the Wayback Machine. Goldenboypromotions.com. Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    63. ^BARNES & NOBLE | Super Oscar by Oscar De La Hoya | Hardcover. Search.barnesandnoble.com. Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    64. ^The Latino Book & Family FestivalArchived October 9, 2012, at the Wayback Machine Latinofestivals.org (2007-05-31). Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    65. ^'. Businesswire (2007-09-12). Retrieved on 2018-09-04.
    66. ^Pugmire, Lance (May 1, 2008). 'De La Hoya statue set for Staples'. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved May 2, 2010.
    67. ^Plaschke, Bill (December 2, 2008). 'Statue takes liberty'. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved May 2, 2010.
    68. ^De La Hoya secures Dynamo deal – MLS – Yahoo! Sports. Sports.yahoo.com (2008-02-29). Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    69. ^'A Oscar De La Hoya gives $3.5M to LA charter schools'. June 23, 2008. Retrieved June 20, 2008.
    70. ^[3]. MSNBC (2008-06-09). Retrieved on 2012-05-19.[dead link]
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    72. ^'Oscar De La Hoya wants to run for president against Donald Trump in 2020'. CBSSports.com. Retrieved November 26, 2018.
    73. ^Springer, Steve 'De La Hoya Settles Case in Alleged Sexual Assault', Los Angeles Times, July 17, 2001. Retrieved September 4, 2018.
    74. ^PLUS: BOXING; DE LA HOYA ACCUSED OF RAPE. Nytimes.com (1998-11-26). Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    75. ^Oscar De La Hoya's Attorney Speaks Out. etonline.com (2007–09)
    76. ^'De La Hoya Stripper's Remorse'. New York Post. September 25, 2007. Archived from the original on August 7, 2009.
    77. ^Zambito, Thomas (June 9, 2008). 'Pix fixed, so stripper drops Oscar De La Hoya suit'. Daily News. New York.
    78. ^LaBate, Chris (September 5, 2011). 'De La Hoya Comes Clean on 'The Infamous Photos''. Boxing Scene. New York.
    79. ^Boxing great Oscar De La Hoya enters rehab in California – ESPN. Sports.espn.go.com (2011-05-22). Retrieved on 2012-05-19.
    80. ^[5] Oscar De La Hoya has relapsed, admitted himself into a rehab facility
    81. ^Oscar De La Hoya arrested after failing field sobriety test. Sports.espn.go.com (2017-01-25). Retrieved on 2017-01-25.
    82. ^Pasadena Now 'Oscar De La Hoya’s Pasadena DUI Charges Dismissed', Pasadena News Now, January 18, 2018. Retrieved September 4, 2018.
    83. ^ abcdefghijklmnopqrPay-Per-View History at about.com
    84. ^'Manny Pacquiao-Oscar De La Hoya fight sells 1.25M PPVs'. October 12, 2008.
    85. ^Manny Pacquiao-Oscar De La Hoya fight sells 1.25MPPVs. ESPN (December 11, 2008). Retrieved on 2016-09-04.

    See also[edit]

    American Son: My Story, by Oscar De La Hoya, with Steve Springer, HarperCollins via Google Books, 2008. Retrieved September 4, 2018.ISBN978-0-06157310-1

    External links[edit]

    Wikimedia Commons has media related to Oscar De La Hoya.
    Wikiquote has quotations related to: Oscar De La Hoya
    • Professional boxing record for Oscar De La Hoya from BoxRec
    • Oscar De La Hoya Fight-by-Fight Career Record at About.com
    Sporting positions
    Amateur boxing titles
    Stephen Golisano
    U.S. Golden Gloves
    featherweight champion

    Fernando Sepulveda
    Frank Peña
    U.S. featherweight champion
    Ivan Robinson
    Minor world boxing titles
    VacantJoachim AlcineIBAwelterweight champion
    February 26, 2000 – June 17, 2000
    Succeeded by
    Shane Mosley
    Preceded by
    Fernando Vargas
    IBA light middleweight champion
    September 14, 2002 – September 13, 2003
    Major world boxing titles
    Preceded by
    Jimmi Bredahl
    WBO junior lightweight champion
    March 5, 1994 – July 1994
    Title next held by
    Regilio Tuur
    VacantGiovanni ParisiWBO lightweight champion
    July 29, 1994 – February 1996
    Title next held by
    Artur Grigorian
    Preceded by
    Rafael Ruelas
    IBF lightweight champion
    May 6, 1995 – July 1995
    VacantPhilip Holiday
    Preceded by
    Julio César Chávez
    WBC light welterweight champion
    June 7, 1996 – April 1997
    Title next held by
    Kostya Tszyu
    Lineal light welterweight champion
    June 7, 1996 – April 1997
    Preceded by
    Pernell Whitaker
    WBC welterweight champion
    April 12, 1997 – September 18, 1999
    Succeeded by
    Félix Trinidad
    Lineal welterweight champion
    April 12, 1997 – September 18, 1999
    VacantFélix Trinidad WBC welterweight champion
    March 2000 – June 17, 2000
    Succeeded by
    Shane Mosley
    Preceded by
    Javier Castillejo
    WBC light middleweight champion
    June 23, 2001 – September 13, 2003
    Lineal light middleweight champion
    June 23, 2001 – September 13, 2003
    Preceded by
    Fernando Vargas
    as champion
    WBA light middleweight champion
    Super title

    September 14, 2002 – September 13, 2003
    Title last held by
    Thomas Hearns
    The Ring light middleweight champion
    September 14, 2002 – September 13, 2003
    Preceded by
    Felix Sturm
    WBO middleweight champion
    June 5, 2004 – September 18, 2004
    Succeeded by
    Bernard Hopkins
    Preceded by
    Ricardo Mayorga
    WBC light middleweight champion
    May 6, 2006 – May 5, 2007
    Succeeded by
    Floyd Mayweather Jr.
    Roy Jones Jr.
    The Ring Fighter of the Year
    Evander Holyfield
    George Foreman
    BWAA Fighter of the Year
    Evander Holyfield
    Best Boxer ESPY Award
    Roy Jones Jr.
    Ivan Robinson vs.
    Arturo Gatti II
    Round 3
    The Ring Round of the Year
    vs. Ike Quartey
    Round 6

    Érik Morales vs.
    Marco Antonio Barrera
    Round 5
    Bernard Hopkins
    Best Boxer ESPY Award
    Floyd Mayweather Jr.
    as Best Fighter ESPY Award
    Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Oscar_De_La_Hoya&oldid=902602595'